Customers LIKE rate increases according to Allstate
I’m not sure about you, but I don’t particularly care for rate increases on products and services I use. I know that in many instances rate increases are necessary for companies to remain in business.
According to studies conducted by Allstate, they seem to think clients like rate increases more than they do rate decreases. Here are some specific quotes from a recent Allstate email. “It comes as no surprise the #1 reason customers leave Allstate is due to price. While pricing and rate changes may feel outside your control, there’s a lot you can do to help improve customer experience and prevent defections, even when rates go up.” Another quote goes on to say “-Be proactive! When customers are notified in advance of a premium change and given options, their satisfaction is higher, even compared to customers whose premium decreased.“
Really? I’m not sure who is doing their surveys but I would prefer a rate decrease with no contact as opposed to a rate increase with a phone call. Either way, its all good news for our office. As an independent agency we are able to offer our clients policies from numerous different companies. We are local, and we work for our clients. In addition to that we are an Endorsed Local Provider for Dave Ramsey. Dave won’t even endorse a “direct writer” insurance agent because he knows that those agents can’t offer their clients choices.
So, if you’re not sure if you are getting the best value for your insurance dollars….contact us now.