We offer insurance from the top carriers for your most valued possesions! Classic cars, trucks and motorcylcles usually will fall in a different class that your daily driver vehicles. From our Cleburne office & our Burleson office we have the right options for you and your most cherished possesions. Not everyone knows classic cars or antiques like Lone Star Insurance Agency and Naaman Maxedon. I myself have one. It is a 1965 Mustang Fastback 2X2, Caspian Blue. It is a pride and joy of mine!
Agreed Value insurance allows us to state the amount of coverage you need and apply that in the event of a total loss. Here is a link about what agreed value does: AGREED VALUE CLASSIC CAR INSURANCE
Basically you can name the amount that you have put into the car ($30k, $50k, 100K) and have it fully insured in the event a loss occurs. It is very cost efficient as well since it is not a daily driver. On average a classic car will cost more to replace than ACV for the daily driver vehicle. In some cases there are also high value vehicles that can be on seperate policies to provide coverage in the event of a total loss. Exotic cars & classic cars can be costly when it comes to replacing parts, fixing & repairing damages or replacing them entirely. Call Lone Star Insurance Agency In Cleburne and Burleson or visit us at LSIATX.COM. Phone numbers are 817-641-3676 (Cleburne) & 817-426-2886 (Burleson).
Merry Christmas!!
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