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May 24, 2022

Boat Insurance in Texas

Summer is right around the corner. As the warm weather approaches, there will be more boats out on the water. Before taking your boat out, you should take certain precautions.a boat on a body of water

Precautions to Take

According to the Texas Departments of Parks & Wildlife, operator inattention, improper lookout, operator inexperience, excessive speed and alcohol rank as the top five primary contributing factors in boating accidents. While you’re using your boat this spring and summer, be attentive and aware of other boats, watercraft and any potential safety hazards to ensure the safety of yourself, your boat and your passengers.

Acquiring a Boat Insurance Policy

If you’re involved in a boating accident or your boat is damaged for other reasons, a boat insurance policy might be able to help you out. In exchange for an insurance premium, your insurer will provide you with financial assistance for aspects such as recovery and repair costs or medical bills. You will likely have to pay a deductible for your policy, which is a designated out-of-pocket cost you’ll cover until your insurance kicks in.

Boat insurance policies vary from boat owner to boat owner, but a typical policy might include the following:

·        Liability coverage helps cover expenses if your boat causes damage to another person’s property.

·        Medical payments coverage helps cover medical expenses if you or a passenger gets injured on your boat.

·        Boat insurance property coverage helps protect your boat from various risks and potential incidents by covering costs related to theft or vandalism.

·        Uninsured watercraft coverage helps cover expenses if an uninsured boater collides with you and causes injury to you or your passengers.

If you want to learn more about boat insurance policies and how to acquire coverage, contact Lone Star Insurance Agency today.

Contact Our Agency

If you are a boat owner near Burleson, Texas, the agents at Lone Star Insurance Agency can help you learn more about policy options so you can make the right decision on coverage for you and your boat. Contact us today at 817-426-2886 to learn more about your coverage options.

Tags: boat insurance

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