Auto Insurance Myths
When searching for affordable, dependable Texas auto insurance, it’s vital that you really know the facts. Unfortunately, through rumor and inaccurate speculation, many drivers have fallen victim to believing some pretty crazy insurance myths, here are a few of our favorites supplied by FOX Business (www.foxbusiness.com):
1. “No-fault insurance means it’s not my fault”
It’s important to remember that no-fault car insurance varies by state; but typically requires your car insurance company to pay medical expenses and lost wages for injuries due to a car accident, regardless of who is at fault. It allows for faster payment for immediate medical needs while the respective insurance agencies, for the parties involved, determine amongst themselves which company will pay for the accident. ***No-fault coverage is not available in the state of Texas.
2. “The color of my car affects my auto insurance rate”
Auto insurance companies set rates based on the safety features of a vehicle and how much it costs to repair or replace; the color doesn’t actually factor into the premium.
3. “I don’t need comprehensive auto insurance for theft, because thieves don’t steal old cars”
In reality, many criminals are actually more attracted to older, trustworthy, popular vehicles such as a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry. Since these vehicles are more popular, there tends to be a higher demand for their parts—so naturally thieves can strip them, sell the parts and make some serious cash.
4. “The laptop in my car is covered by my auto insurance policy”
Personal property, such as a laptop or cell phone is not covered under an auto insurance policy; those items may be covered by home insurance, but a claim would oftentimes be subject to your deductible.
5. “I recently paid my insurance premium, so I won’t need a new policy for my new car”
Whenever you purchase a new car, your insurance company will have to amend your policy, regardless of when you paid for your previous policy.
Don’t allow yourself to walk around misinformed, it’s crucial that you completely understand what your auto policy does and does not cover.
Have further questions about Texas auto insurance? Interested in a free insurance quote or complete evaluation of your current coverage? Contact Lone Star Insurance Agency…we’d be happy to help!