5 Tips for Making Your Home Less of a Target for Burglars
Burglaries can happen in any community. They can happen to any property owner. If you own a home, it is up to you to keep your property safe. How can you do that? These steps can help you.
It is not always possible to eliminate the burglary risks to any property. However, with a few steps, it may be possible to reduce much of this risk. Keeping your family safe is your priority.
#1: Make It Less Interesting
One of the first steps to take is to remove some of the ability of individuals to see into your home. Someone seeing a television through the window can make your home a target, for example. Use curtains or blinds to make it hard for people to see what is in the home. This lessens the desire to break into the home.
#2: Watch Your Trash
In some areas, thieves monitor trash. Large boxes from new electronics or items that seem to have a lot of value can encourage break-ins to occur. Instead, break down those boxes. Put them into garbage bags. Your goal should be to make it hard for anyone to know what you own. This is important to do during the holidays.
#3: Consider Outdoor Cameras and Lights
A number of easy-to-install solutions exist for this. Some smart home companies now offer them. Lights work by allowing you to turn on the light when there is motion. The cameras help capture anyone or anything moving in the area. This can allow you to see what is occurring near your home. Some have built-in sirens, flashing lights, and audio. You can tell people to leave. And, you can do this from a distance using an app on your phone.
#4: Consider a Full Security System
Another way to reduce risk to your home is to install a full security system. Monitored options are the best, though they cost more. You may want to install a self-monitored system.
Be sure anyone who approaches the home can clearly see that you have this system. That in itself is a deterrent.
#5: Have a Dog
While this may seem simple, many home invasion specialists recommend this. Dogs provide warning. They are difficult to manage by someone getting into the home. They work well as an always-on alert system. They don’t have to be attack dogs to still provide security for the home.
These tips may help you reduce burglaries. That means fewer home insurance claims for theft. Let your home insurance agent know what steps you take. It may help you save money.
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